Sunday, November 11, 2012

The weeks go on and on

I wish I blogged a little bit more about my trip. Honestly, it's becoming the same thing day after day. I've been sleeping a lot and not eating very much. I don't know what my problem is. I mean I love it here I really do, I'm just a little melancholy these days. The weather is getting colder and although the Spaniards say it never rains here, it feels like it is constantly raining. Every Sunday I've been going to church. I think it's a really good way to learn the language. I sit there for 45 minutes just listening to someone speak in Spanish and I don't have to respond. Yesterday, Abby and I went to our place. Ordered up some Sangria, tostadas and patatas bravas. Yummmmm. We try to go there at least once a week. We get a lot of food for pretty cheap, even though they don't take cheques. Cheques are these like meal voucher things that we get from the study center every month. I tend to eat at home more though so I haven't started using the ones from November yet, I have about 5 left I think from October. There is this man that is always sitting in this one place in the city. He has his head in his hands and just looks defeated. I don't know him but I always feel bad for him. He has a little cardboard box that reads "tengo hambre" which means I'm hungry. Since I had so many cheques, I gave him two of them. I can remember when my dad visited the other week.  I told him that I always want to bring that man ice cream but had never done it. Yesterday was the day I gave him two cheques. I just said hi, i want to give you these because you probably need it more than I do. I can pay for my own food, even though having cheques is a great way to save food. The economic situation here is terrible. You think the U.S. has it bad with what an 8% unemployment rate. Try 50%. How bad do you think politics would be at home then. Imagine the wealthy loaning money to the government so the government can pay the politicians. Maybe it's time to open our eyes a little bit. I know it's bad at home, I know, It's just worse here. It's frustrating. Ahhh. I'm not one to be preaching about politics. I don't know that much, so I keep my mouth shut but I can read and I know it isn't going to well over here.

Tomorrow I leave for Madrid. Yes, I have yet another week off from school and then when we come back, There are only like three weeks until I come home for winter break. Hopefully it will be the best winter break I've had so far. I'm trying to decide If I want to go to Wisconsin with my dad. I think I probably should but I just want to spend time with my friends and my brother and mom. I guess we will see when the time comes.

I've started to be a little more diligent when it comes to homework. I've been working on a final project for one class that is due pretty soon. The 4th of December. It's not hard, just time consuming. I hope everyone has a good week. Or at least try to. I know I will try. See you all very soon

With Love,

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