Friday, September 7, 2012

Cafe loco

Yesterday was ehh, kind of boring. I didn't have class until 12:15 so I went out until I don't know twoish. Well I didn't really go out. We have a basement where the classrooms are and a guy named Michael is a fantastic musician and one of my roomies alex does really cool cinematography so we were jamming in the basement. I'm super excited to jam with them again. Michael's voice is fantastic, it's deep and a little rough (in a good way, i guess I should say it's more raw than rough.) Today we went to the arts and sciences museum. The museum has some really amazing architecture and well, I don't remember who the architect is but he is a serious artist. After the arts and sciences we came home and napped for a few hours. Sarah didn't come home until four and we had to be up and ready to go by 9:30. For dinner we ordered dominos pizza, it was really good but not going to lie, the cheese pizza was like bleu cheese or something, but damn it was good. My roommates are staying out til the clubs close tonight so the partying is just starting to happen. I'm not used to it but eventually I will be. As most of my friends back home know, I tend to drink and go to bed by one and now the drinking doesnt start until one. In fact, Sarah just made me a lovely screwdriver, my favorite. I had to go buy another pack of cigarettes. Alex told me that I have three weeks left to smoke and then I have to quit because she wants me to have a long life. Haha I'm pretty sure I'll be ok and plus, If shit happens, shit happens.  I'm trying to incorporate the culture into my blogs but I'm having a hard time doing so. I'm totally amazed by everything I see every day but there is so much I never know what to tell people. I think tomorrow we are going to take a day trip to a waterfall and go swimming. iT'S about an hour out of the city.

I'm really starting to miss home and my support system but my friends here are great. I can't seem to find anyone to smoke a cigarette and drink coffee with and if you are reading this, you know that I'm trying to say that I miss drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes with you.  THis next part is going to get a little personal. This past summer was a great time and i HAD  a lot of deep conversations, here in my new home and holding too many deep thoughts and I haven't found my person to get personal with so I guess If anyone is reading this, you are my deep conversation person. I think its time to start drinking more and get ready for the night. Wish me luck.

With love, Stacey

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