Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day two here we go

Well yesterday was my first day of Class. After class, Abby, Galen, Sarah and  I went to play soccer with some of the guys in the program. As everyone knows, I am terrible at sports and working out. The boys put me in the goal, well not really, but no one else would do it. Let just say that I wasn't the goalie for very long. I suck! But I was a good sport and I got a little workout. Sarah (my roommate) had a class at 2:45 so I just hung out but when she got home from class the party started. We did some homework and drank a beer. And then she somehow convinced me to do a shot. I haven't done shots since I got sick after a a few too many about  a year ago. Whoops. On top of that I drank a screwdriver which s my favorite.  We walked to "Wok to Walk" a chinese restaurant that Sarah loves and of course I was tipsy and totally embarrassed because it was like seven o'clock.

blog break: hi, i love stacey (: ok back to stacey - alex

today, i had class. Sorry if all i TALK about is drinking I promise there is a lot more to this experience I just haven't gotten there yet. Anyway, my classs that I had today was pre-history to late late antiquity. And i had intermediate spanish ( aren't you proud Mr. Stewart?) By the way, I seriously miss my spanish class from high school. Ahhh there's only like 10 people in my class. Other than that I love having to speak spanish everyday. My spanish has really improved and i've only been here for about a week. tHE CULTURE is amazing. The churches are amazing. There are two main plazas. La plaza de la virgen y la plaza de la reina. Both beautiful and I have pictures but i haven't quite figured out how to upload them. I can only do it to facebook. iT'S time for dinner, my caps lock is driving my crazayy and I'm hungry. Sarah and I are going to get cheese for elliot before he chops our heads off.


  1. Hi Stacey! Love your blog and love that you are having so much fun! This is the time of your life so enjoy every second of it! Take it from me, the old lady, it FLIES BY and before you know it you are old with no life. Ha ha! Hey, if you ever have some down time (yeah, right) and want to see a familiar face, Skype Maya @ maya4801. She just got a Skype account and is having a blast talking to people. Okay, well, go back to partying. LOL! I'm loving your posts and living vicariously through you!! xoxoxo

    1. thanks so much!, I just added Maya to skype so i will definitely get to see her. The time difference is six hours so I'm normally able to skype at night which would be mid afternoon for her. Maybe when she's bored at home I can try and cheer her up!! Love and miss you all! I hope all is well
